




Renato Meneghetti was born in Rosà (Vicenza). He began to paint at a very early age and his artistic output has developed in the fortress of Ezzelino da Romano where he spent his childhood, as well as in the various Palladian Villas which he has restored and lived in. After his first works, presented during the Sixties by friends and artists such as Fontana, Munari and Guiducci, and after a series of competitions and early exhibitions, he  bought   back  almost   all  his  works  and  has  since  then  lent  them  only to public institutions or museums.
Since 1997 he follows his own original research into the use of the most advanced technology in communications and virtual reproduction of images bodies and objects. Projections and visual painting yield a more precise perception of the message evoked by light as a bearer of energy. His favourite art form is painting, the visible instrument of the revolutionary potential of art and he fights for its social purpose. Many art historians such as Federico Zeri, Sir Denis Mahon, Udo Kulterman, have shown interest in Meneghetti’s works exhibited in many museums of the world. He has also devoted himself to other artistic fields such as music “Numero e suono” (Number and sound) an International computer music conference: La Biennale di Venezia, 1982, cinema (40th International Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia, 1983) and multimedia (50th International Art Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia, 2003); the collateral (La Biennale Architettura 2010, maxi installation 54° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia 2011 in three sections: Padiglione Italia – Arsenale, Iniziativa speciale del padiglione Italia, Tesa 99, facciate Tese 101, 102 – Arsenale Novissimo.

In 1997 the solo exhibition “Meneghetti: Radiografie 1982/1997” was arranged by Marco Goldin, at Palazzo Sarcinelli Museum in Conegliano Veneto.
In 1998 in Paris and London he held solo exhibitions. In 1999 he held a solo exhibition at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Malta arranged by D. Cutajar and at the Ephesus Museum in Ephesus. In 2000 at the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua a major anthological exhibition “Sull’orlo del Terzo Millennio was held Pittura e altre arti 1954/2000”, arranged by Gillo Dorfles and Vittorio Sgarbi was another exhibition he held. In the same year he exhibited at the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona: “Al di là dell’occhio. Radiografie 1979/2000” arranged by Gillo Dorfles and Walter Guadagnini.
Followed, in 2002, by “Trasparenze: corpi ed altro. Radiografie” at the National Museum of Bratislava GMB Galéria Mesta (Pàlffyho Palàc) arranged by Ivan Jancàr, and “Installations X-Rays”, at the Museum of Arts PGA Povazskà Galèria Umenia di Zilina arranged by Mira Putisova and Milan Mazur, texts in the catalogue by Pierre Restany.
In 2006 the city of Rome for the first time devoted a major solo exhibition in four different locations to one single artist: Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia, Complesso Monumentale del Santo Spirito in Sassia, Sala 1 - Scala Santa, Archivio Centrale dello Stato: “Meneghetti a Roma” arranged by Achille Bonito Oliva,introduced by Claudio Strinati. Monographs about Meneghetti’s works edited by: Marsilio arranged by Marco Goldin, Skira arranged by Gillo Dorfles, Skira arranged by Vittorio Sgarbi, Electa arranged by Achille Bonito Oliva.
In 2010 in the various exhibitions in Art galleries stand out the solo exhibitions at Berlin’s Factory Art Gallery, at galleria Spazio Gianni Testoni La 2000+45, Bologna; and the collaterals at ArtBasel, Volta6, Liste15,  Basilea, Macro Testaccio, Roma,  Culture-Nature at the 12. Biennale Architettura di Venezia; and the group exhibition at MIC di Faenza.
In 2011 the city of Bassano del Grappa dedicates a solo exhibition to his fellow citizen in three museums: Museo civico, Palazzo Agostinelli, Palazzo Sturm - Museo della ceramica. The exhibitions conclude the path “I Bassano ai raggi x - segreti nei capolavori del Museo”.
A massive presence at the 54° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte La Biennale di Venezia 2011 in three sections:
Padiglione Italia – Arsenale with the work “Il Cristo morto del Mantega”;
Special initiative of the “padiglione Italia” with the installation ”Sottopelle” - Tesa 99 Arsenale Novissimo;
La bugia – anche gli elefanti hanno il naso lungo”  Tese 101, 102 - Arsenale Novissimo.

Over the last twenty years of this century Meneghetti’s works have been a continuum of cinematic-graphic-photographic experiences, modern and very antique techniques, steeped in the magic plastic film transfer of the optic chamber.The most leading Italian critics have written a lot on Meneghetti.
Gillo Dorfles
focused his attention on the X-Rays stating what follows:
“Meneghetti’s X-Rays have stood out as the only new significant reality in the Italian art over the last twenty years”.